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Page history last edited by Professor Wayne Hayes 10 years, 3 months ago

Preface to My Public Policy Course


Welcome! Public Policy for the Ramapo College Summer Session I, ENST20750, comes to your through my web site, under the domain profwork that is built and maintained by Professor Wayne Hayes. The best places to go to follow the delivery of the course are the syllabus and the schedule. Follow along using the Public Policy Bulletin Board


Many use this site, as a whole or in parts, with (and probably without) permission all over the world, including in the third-year offering on public policy at Stanford Law School. I regard the entirety as within the spirit of the Creative Commons licensing protocol.




In the mid-1990s, my regular offering of Public Policy was interrupted by my service as Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Ramapo College. When I returned to teaching Public Policy, the book that I used went out of print and was unavailable for purchase.


I shifted to a book that I found exciting, An Introduction to the Study of Public Policy by Charles O. Jones. The students found the book too difficult, so I started to copy my class notes to help students de-code the book. (A friend at MIT told me that the book was used there, but on the graduate level! The book is out of print but you can still buy it on Amazon for $2,420.23 --- so stay here instead!)


I wanted to shift to James Anderson, Public Policy Making but found that the book was quite expensive --- the last time that I looked the current edition costs $121.74. I updated the class notes and printed the notes as a volume, Public Policy Cycle.


A few years later, I transferred the book into HTML, the scripting language of the Internet.


Then, when I joined several of my Ramapo College colleagues in getting approval for Master of Arts in Sustainability Studies, I turned the course over to adjunct faculty.


The summer 2014 offering marks my return to teaching public policy. I am actively updating my web pages and transferring the underlying code to HTML5, the latest industry standard. I apologize in advance for clumsy errors and oversights as I work feverishly to update the pages and to move over to HTML5. When you spot my errors, please email me with a reference to the page that needs fixing. Appreciated.


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