A paradigm may be defined as "a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community." Typically, we do not see paradigms, rather we see through paradigms, thus remain unaware of their influence. Awareness of our paradigm is necessary for critical thinking. For humorous insight into paradigms, view this PowerPoint from Fun on the Net: Paradigm.pps.
Professor Edelstein has designed two PowerPoint presentations that illustrate the concept of paradigm within the context of sustainability. Please view them here.
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Comments (12) said
at 10:24 pm on May 31, 2010
Ha! I originally heard this in Prof. Williamson's 'Western Studies' class. Monkeys sure do have a way of clarifying complex political concepts. :)
jthomps7@... said
at 6:18 pm on May 28, 2010
As a psych major I absolutely love this power point! 1. It is hilarious! 2. Like someone else said it explains a concept that can easily be a hard to understand simply and throughly.
Melissa Cohen said
at 6:14 pm on May 25, 2010
This was a very interesting way of depicting a paradigm. This PowerPoint made me think about how I do things similar to how my parents do them. I do them just because it is how I was brought up and never thought to try experimenting on my own.
Grace Conte said
at 3:13 pm on May 25, 2010
The monkey powerpoint was very useful in getting a clear understanding of what a paradigm is. In regards to the other powerpoints, they were very useful in presenting the real issues. The ecological crisis presentation made it clear how things are progressively getting worse, and the American prairie was sad to read, because it is true, we never really learned to accommodate, and look forward, thinking of future generations, we think that the environment is there solely for our manufacturing purpose. Like it was said in the ppt, may the strongest survive (Darwin's theory), and when comparing man and environment, man clearly wins, and we are obviously not realizing the consequences at hand for when we do survive. Very interesting and alarming presentations.
Professor Wayne Hayes said
at 10:44 am on Jun 27, 2009
Thanks, Lindsey. We will use it more. Thanks for the feedback.
Lindsey Jachens said
at 12:11 am on Jun 27, 2009
The monkey powerpoint is amazing! It explains quite a difficult concept very simply. There are so many times I want to question why am I doing something, but I consider it being tradition sometimes.
Brittania said
at 10:47 am on Jun 9, 2008
awesome!!! I cannot wait to do my own!
Monika Arnaudova said
at 3:32 pm on Jun 7, 2008
In my opinion the Paradigm powerpoint was great. Really it is done in such way that with easy words and in interesting and original way to understand what is actually paradigm. It is a wonderful idea, very interesting and a lot helpful.
Adriene said
at 7:21 pm on May 31, 2008
The monkey power point is very helpful in explaining paradigm. Reminds me of little kids when they ask "Why?" I always tell my friends kids just because that is how it is ...something along those lines.
Professor Wayne Hayes said
at 8:45 pm on May 29, 2008
Barbara, I enjoy playfully adding stuff that I come across -- but this is very time-consuming. Mike Edelstein, my colleague, uses the notion of paradigm effectively. We see through the paradigm, which filters "reality," leaving out much. Thanks for noticing. ~WH
bpielka@... said
at 8:11 pm on May 29, 2008
Thanks a "bunch" What a simple cartoon to present an important concept. We do things just because and most of the time do not know why. I can hear myself saying, "always do it that way" with total acceptance and not consciously thinking why.
I wonder if the bananas are still fresh!
Lauren Brinkers said
at 5:32 pm on May 28, 2008
These powerpoints were a great learning tool.
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